420-5D3 : Oracle – Liste des privilèges

28 septembre 2023

Privilèges de type système

Un privilège système est le droit d’effectuer une action particulière ou d’effectuer une action sur n’importe quel objet d’un type particulier. Les objets incluent des tables, des vues, des vues matérialisées, des synonymes, des index, des séquences, des groupes de cache, des schémas de réplication et des fonctions, procédures et packages PL/SQL.

Seul l’administrateur de l’instance ou un utilisateur disposant du privilège ADMIN peut accorder ou révoquer des privilèges système.

Voici la liste de privilèges systèmes qu’il est possible d’accorder à un utilisateur d’une PDB.

NOTE: Il faut utiliser les commandes ‘GRANT’ et ‘REVOKE’ pour accorder ou retirer un privilège.

Voir au bas de ce document pour des exemples.

ADMINEnables a user to perform administrative tasks including checkpointing, backups, migration, and user creation and deletion.
ALTER ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to alter any cache group in the database.
ALTER ANY INDEXEnables a user to alter any index in the database.Note: There is no ALTER INDEX statement.
ALTER ANY MATERIALIZED VIEWEnables a user to alter any materialized view in the database.Note: There is no ALTER MATERIALIZED VIEW statement.
ALTER ANY PROCEDUREEnables a user to alter any PL/SQL procedure, function or package in the database.
ALTER ANY SEQUENCEEnables a user to alter any sequence in the database.
ALTER ANY TABLEEnables a user to alter any table in the database.
ALTER ANY VIEWEnables a user to alter any view in the database.Note: There is no ALTER VIEW statement.
CACHE_MANAGEREnables a user to perform operations related to cache groups.
CREATE ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to create a cache group owned by any user in the database.
CREATE ANY INDEXEnables a user to create an index on any table or materialized view in the database.
CREATE ANY MATERIALIZED VIEWEnables a user to create a materialized view owned by any user in the database.
CREATE ANY PROCEDUREEnables a user to create a PL/SQL procedure, function or package owned by any user in the database.
CREATE ANY SEQUENCEEnables a user to create a sequence owned by any user in the database.
CREATE ANY SYNONYMEnables a user to create a private synonym owned by any user in the database.
CREATE ANY TABLEEnables a user to create a table owned by any user in the database.
CREATE ANY VIEWEnables a user to create a view owned by any user in the database.
CREATE CACHE GROUPEnables a user to create a cache group owned by that user.
CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEWEnables a user to create a materialized view owned by that user.
CREATE PROCEDUREEnables a user to create a PL/SQL procedure, function or package owned by that user.
CREATE PUBLIC SYNONYMEnables a user to create a public synonym.
CREATE SEQUENCEEnables a user to create a sequence owned by that user.
CREATE SESSIONEnables a user to create a connection to the database.
CREATE SYNONYMEnables a user to create a private synonym.
CREATE TABLEEnables a user to create a table owned by that user.
CREATE VIEWEnables a user to create a view owned by that user.
DELETE ANY TABLEEnables a user to delete from any table in the database.
DROP ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to drop any cache group in the database.
DROP ANY INDEXEnables a user to drop any index in the database.
DROP ANY MATERIALIZED VIEWEnables a user to drop any materialized view in the database.
DROP ANY PROCEDUREEnables a user to drop any PL/SQL procedure, function or package in the database.
DROP ANY SEQUENCEEnables a user to drop any sequence in the database.
DROP ANY SYNONYMEnables a user to drop a synonym owned by any user in the database.
DROP ANY TABLEEnables a user to drop any table in the database.
DROP ANY VIEWEnables a user to drop any view in the database.
DROP PUBLIC SYNONYMEnables a user to drop a public synonym.
EXECUTE ANY PROCEDUREEnables a user to execute any PL/SQL procedure, function or package in the database.
FLUSH ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to flush any cache group in the database.
INSERT ANY TABLEEnables a user to insert into any table in the database. It also enables the user to insert into any table using the synonym, public or private, to that table.
LOAD ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to load any cache group in the database.
REFRESH ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to flush any cache group in the database.
SELECT ANY SEQUENCEEnables a user to select from any sequence or synonym on a sequence in the database.
SELECT ANY TABLEEnables a user to select from any table, view, materialized view, or synonym in the database.
UNLOAD ANY CACHE GROUPEnables a user to unload any cache group in the database.
UPDATE ANY TABLEEnables a user to update any table or synonym in the database.
XLAEnables a user to connect to a database as an XLA reader.

Exemple d’utilisation de GRANT et REVOKE

SELECT table_name, privilege FROM sys.dba_tab_privs WHERE grantee='PUBLIC';