In the world of computer programming, the “Hello world program” is often the first one we write. During my computer science Degree, we did it in Cobol, Pascal, Modula, 370 assembler, …
In the world of microcontroller, where a display device his rarely utilize in a first project, we light up a LED.
Even after years of playing around with cpu chips or microcontrollers, I still revisit that old classic.
There is something fascinating about staring at a flashing LED.
It must come from my youth, when I would stare at the vacuum tubes in the back of my parent’s b&w tv for hours. Yep, I’m that old…
So, back to the never ending project of lightening a LED.
After unwrapping the AVRISP mkII, I reproduced a “RGB led, PWM controlled” project from David Gustafik at
The idea here was to test the new acquired AVRISP mkII, not reinvent a way of saying “abyssus universitas”.
After a few adjustments in AVR Studio and transferring the HEX file to the chip, I caught myself staring, and staring, and staring, and … (ok, you get the point) at:
I must admit, 9 channel software PWM is not the usual ‘Hello world’ program, but what the heck…